
Editorial team

David Ian Lightbody (PhD, MPhil, BEng)

Vermont, USA (ex University of Glasgow, Scotland)

Franck Monnier (Ing.)

Associate Researcher, UMR 7041 ArScAn, CNRS, Paris I, Nanterre

Associate editor

Sandra Rosendahl (MA. (Hons), MSc.)

International expert review committee

Felix Arnold (PhD)

German Archaeological Institute, Cairo Department (Germany)

Edward Brovarski (PhD)

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (USA)

Maria Correas Amador (Dunelm) (PhD, MA.)

Honorary Fellow, Department of Archaeology, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain)

Glen Dash (JD, BSEE, MBS)

Independent MIT trained Giza surveyor, Connecticut (USA)
Executive Director at Glen Dash Foundation for Archaeological Research

Delphine Driaux (PhD)

Associate member, "Mondes pharaoniques", Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV,
UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée CNRS (France)

Ulrike Fauerbach (PhD)

Fakultät Architektur, OTH Regensburg, Prüfeninger Straße 58, D-93049 Regensburg (Germany)

Pierre Grussenmeyer (Dipl.-Ing., PhD)

National Institute of Applied Science, Strasbourg (France)

James A. Harrell (PhD)

University of Toledo, Department of Environmental Sciences, professor emeritus of geology (USA)

Stan Hendrickx (PhD)

MAD faculty of Hasselt, Fine arts, faculty member (Belgium)

Alejandro Jiménez-Serrano (PhD)

University of Jaén (Spain)

Peter Lacovara (PhD)

Director of The Ancient Egyptian Archaeology and Heritage Fund, (USA)

François Larché (PhD)

CNRS, UMR8167 Orient et Méditerranée, Department Member (France)

Dimitri Meeks (PhD)

Honorary Director of Research, CNRS (France)

Thierry Verdel (Dipl.-Ing., PhD)

University of Lorraine, CNRS, École nationale supérieure des Mines de Nancy (France)

Design and webmastering

Paul François (M. Arch., Dipl.-Ing., PhD)

Laboratoire d'Archéologie Médiévale et Moderne en Méditerranée (UMR7298 - LA3M)